* The Foundation's activities are based on common Christian values.
* The Foundation's team consists of professionals from different industries who share the Fund's values.
* The Foundation's activities are carried out in Ukraine and abroad.
* The Foundation's team works both on a voluntary basis (free of charge) and in paid positions, depending on the format of participation.
* The Foundation is private and apolitical. The Fundteam does not include government officials (deputies/official candidates from political parties, political officials).
* The Foundation team is financed from trusted/transparent sources and by the Partners of the Fund.
* Verification of the sources of origin of donations to the programs of the Foundation by free donors is not carried out.
* The Foundation's partners are respectable organizations.
* Reporting on receipts and funds used, documentation of the Foundation - transparent and public.
* Financial transactions through the Foundation's website are carried out in a simple way.
* We provide flexible terms of cooperation for both applicants and donors.
* Complete anonymity and confidentiality for donors who do not want to disclose their names.
* We provide support and prompt resolution of relevant issues for applicants, partners, donors of the Foundation.