
Christian medical camp in the Carpathians

On the eve of the autumn active business season, the Christian Medical Association of Ukraine held a medical camp in the village of Verkhovyna, Ivano-Frankivsk region.

It was attended by more than 80 Ukrainian participants (students, nurses, doctors), as well as foreign guests: USA, Canada, Estonia.

Thus, the audience attended seminars on the topics: “Myths in gynecology”, “Effective communication with the patient”, “Emotional intelligence”, “How to start a career and remain a Christian in a new environment”, “Depression”, “The path to opening your own practice”, "Organization of Palliative Care in Ukraine", "Skin Care", "People Orientation in Medicine" and others. They also took part in the round table "Faith/Profession".

“Insane pace. Time is not our property,” as Lina Kostenko wrote. Obviously, the organizers of the camp took this into account. Therefore, spiritual and entertaining components were provided. For example, the morning began with reading the Bible and meditating on the Word of God. After the seminars, the participants went to the mountains and rafted down the mountain rivers. Well, in the evening, singing "Where are the mountains of the Carpathians, where is the Written Stone ..." they gathered around the fire. (By the way, the sung Written Stone is located just in the vicinity of Verkhovyna).

“This time has become a time of renewal and inspiration,” Lyubov Kushniruk shares his impressions. – We were given the opportunity to learn from cool speakers who, by the way, motivate us with their very lives. For example, with Vadim Us, they practiced with ultrasound: they looked for the optic nerve, jugular vein, carotid artery, thyroid gland, aorta, liver ... With Ekaterina Pilon, they learned to overcome depression and take care of the skin. Special thanks to her for a luxurious gift - a Littman cardiology stethophonendoscope (the mother of the phonendoscope of the mentioned brand is my dream, like many medical students, by the way). With Jeff Crane - practiced English and "mastered" the topic "Communication with the patient". Count everyone and everything! The conclusion with which I came from there: “Act for the sake of the future!” and the biblical "For God did not give us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and a sound mind."

At one time, about ten years ago, the Alliance of Christian Professionals united the Christian Medical Association of Ukraine, the Association of Christian Lawyers, entrepreneurs, psychologists, teachers, artists and athletes. It has been five years since, taking into account the achievements of the Alliance and the First of December Initiative Group, the Peace and Development Foundation  was created, which, together with other organizations, joined the financing of the camp.

#Peace_and_development foundation
2021-09-07 18:58 News