
Ukrainian winter anti-crisis project

Most of the territory of Ukraine and its civilian population are on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe, which the world has not seen since the Second World War. As of the end of November 2022, there is not a single critical energy infrastructure that has not been hit by missile attacks from Russia, which has been designated a terrorist state by the European Parliament and other countries.

Ukrainian Charity Peace and Development Foundation, together with the American Peace and Development Foundation and partners have launched an anti-crisis winter aid project for Ukrainians who are the most affected by Russian energy terror.

Who do we help?
Assistance will be distributed among the most vulnerable groups of the population in the front-line regions and settlements, the energy infrastructure of which is most destroyed. Our target groups: families of the victims, persons with disabilities, orphans, needy migrants, low-income elderly people.

How do we help?
Acquisition and delivery of the most relevant in winter conditions and lack of electricity and central heating:
1. Portable stoves (design "Rocket stove" developed by Ukrainians). These are ergonomic and economical solid fuel stoves (wood, coal and everything that burns safely), developed by Ukrainian engineers, with which you can heat a room up to 16 square meters and cook food in the absence of electricity and heat. At the same time, the consumption of solid fuel is minimal. The stove is easy to assemble and transport, it has already been produced in Ukraine. The cost of purchasing metal, spare parts, production and delivery of 1 furnace is about $200. Our fund has already paid for the production of the first 50 ovens, but the need for them is hundreds of times higher.

2. Electricity generators that will work at help points for church organizations to help the maximum number of people. One generator can charge hundreds of people's phones to keep in touch with their families. With it, you can heat the mixture for newborns, provide more critical needs. Acquiring and delivering a generator in an emergency is difficult, but we have the channels. We need your contributions to buy more generators. As of the end of November 2022, the average cost of one reliable 5kW generator is $2,000.

3. Warm shoes . Australian uggs are high-quality warm sheepskin shoes that retain heat at the lowest temperatures. It should warm the legs of children and elderly infirm people living in cold houses. We negotiated directly with the manufacturer in Australia and received a 50% discount in our special situation. Our local partners will provide free shipping. One pair of project shoes costs $38.

How will aid be distributed and delivered?
It is very important not only to find funds for help, but also to deliver it to the right hands. Even before the start of the war, our Fundcooperated with various Christian churches and charitable organizations. Now, in difficult times, church cells have become centers of charitable assistance. It is church charitable organizations with their network, Christian values and the presence of active volunteers that can identify target groups and deliver assistance to them. We have agreements, experience of effective cooperation and mutual trust with such reputable charitable organizations as Caritas Ukraine, Eleos Ukraine and Help is Near.
How is reporting done?
Each of our projects is supported by reporting on who received assistance and documents on the funds used: we and our partners take photos and videos where possible. All expenses are confirmed by checks.
Absolutely every donation will be spent with maximum benefit and it will really practically help the most vulnerable and weak people to endure and survive the darkness and cold.

2022-11-27 15:55 News